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Article: Activity-dependent plasticity of mouse hippocampal assemblies in vitro.

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Keller MK; Draguhn A; Both M; Reichinnek S
Front Neural Circuits, 2015

Spontanoues (top) and evoked (bottom) waveforms are compared regarding amplitude (left), ripple occurrence (middle), and unit occurrence (right) in CA1 and CA3.

SPW-R amplitude (mV) Number of ripple cycles (per SPW-R) Multi-unit activity (spikes per SPW)
Spontaneous events median 0.23 median 0.21 median 6.0 median 5.5 median 3.0 median 4.4
25th 0.17 25th 0.17 25th 5.7 25th 3.6 25th 1.9 25th 1.2
75th 0.28 75th 0.25 75th 6.2 75th 6.5 75th 4.3 75th 10
Evoked events median 0.26 median 0.29 median 5.8 median 4.7 median 1.0 median 0.8
25th 0.19 25th 0.19 25th 5.6 25th 4.0 25th 0.95 25th 0.63
75th 0.61 75th 0.37 75th 6.9 75th 5.4 75th 1.0 75th 1.0
p-value 0.14 0.0051 0.38 0.10 0.096 0.10
(n = 10) (n = 12) (n = 10) (n = 12) (n = 10) (n = 12)

Median, 25th percentile, and 75th percentile represent the distribution formed by the medians observed in each experiment and p-values (bottom line) are calculated between spontanoues and evoked events.

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